Rev. George Bozanich
Minister of Emmanuel United
Rev. Bozanich has been the Minister of Emmanuel United Church since October 13, 2020.
George is one of the founders of the Windsor Youth Centre and remains active there still as a volunteer. His other interests include music, camping and reading.
Rev. Dr. John Palmer
Minister Emeritus
Reverend Palmer was Emmanuel's Minister for a wonderful twenty years before his retirement in 2005. He now supports the activities of the church in many fine ways, including singing in the choir.
Peggy Krieger,
Sunday School Teacher
Peggy does a great job coordinating our Sunday School, other volunteer teachers and giving our young families a loving introduction to the Christian faith.
Heather Davidson
Church Secretary
Heather provides administrative support to the Minister and makes sure our accounts are balances and a worthy reflection of God's will.
Coming up on 20 years as a church secretary starting at Lincoln Road United currently also at Tecumseh United as well as Emmanuel.
Melissa Yau continues on staff
as our treasured Bookkeeper.
Nick Morvay
Music Director
Under the capable direction of Nick, the Chancel Choir makes a wonderful musical contribution to worship services.
Also an accomplished pianist, organist and orchestra leader, Nick is an artistic music director who provides spiritual artistry to our congregational life.
Dan Gurney
Dan very quietly goes about keeping our facility in tip top shape, enabling us to accommodate a large and varied number of groups in our church.